New posts in spectral-theory

Symmetries and eigenvalues of the Laplacian.

Can an off-diagonal-negative matrix have both: a unique negative eigenvalue and a positive row-sum?

If $T$ is bounded and $F$ has finite rank, what is the spectrum of $T+F$?

Spectrum of the right shift operator on $\ell^2({\bf Z})$

Can spectrum "specify" an operator?

What is spectrum for Laplacian in $\mathbb{R}^n$?

How to prove the resolvent of this operator is compact? [closed]

Confusion regarding real inner-products and the spectral theorem for symmetric matrices

Does $\sigma(T) = \{1\}$ and $\|T\| = 1$ imply that $T$ is the identity?

How to justify solving $f(x+1) + f(x) = g(x)$ using this spectral-like method?

Spectrum of Indefinite Integral Operators

Example of a compact set that isn't the spectrum of an operator

Separable measure space and diagonalization

What is the difference between "singular value" and "eigenvalue"?

Redundancy in the definition of the resolvet set?