What is the difference between "singular value" and "eigenvalue"?

I am trying to prove some statements about singular value decomposition, but I am not sure what the difference between singular value and eigenvalue is.

Is "singular value" just another name for eigenvalue?

Solution 1:

The singular values of a $M\times N$ matrix $X$ are the square roots of the eigenvalues of the $N\times N$ matrix $X^*\,X$ (where $^*$ stands for the transpose-conjugate matrix if it has complex coefficients, or the transpose if it has real coefficients).

Thus, if $X$ is $N\times N$ real symmetric matrix with non-negative eigenvalues, then eigenvalues and singular values coincide, but it is not generally the case!

Solution 2:

Given a matrix $A$, if the eigenvalues of $A^HA$ are $\lambda_i \geq 0$, then $\sqrt{\lambda_i}$ are the singular values of $A$. If $t$ is an eigenvalue of $A$, then $|t|$ is a singular value of $A$. And here is an example should be noticed, $$A = \begin{pmatrix}1&0&1\\0&1&1\\0&0&0\end{pmatrix},$$ the eigenvalues of $A$ are $1,1,0$ while the singular values of $A$ are $\sqrt{3},1,0$.

Solution 3:

is singular value just another name for eigenvalue?

No, singular values & eigenvalues are different.

What is the difference between Singular Value and Eigenvalue?

There are many possible answers to this question. Since I don't know what you're trying to prove, I'd recommend carefully comparing definitions between the two: eigendecomposition, singular value decomposition

[EDIT: You might find the first several chapters of the book "Numerical Linear Algebra" by Trefethen and Bau more useful than the Wikipedia article. They're available here.]

Two important points:

  • Notice in particular that the SVD is defined for any matrix, while the eigendecomposition is defined only for square matrices (and more specifically, normal matrices).

  • Notice that singular values are always real, while eigenvalues need not be real.

Solution 4:

A very clear explanation from Cleve Moler's text book https://www.mathworks.com/content/dam/mathworks/mathworks-dot-com/moler/eigs.pdf

An eigenvalue and eigenvector of a square matrix A are a scalar λ and a nonzero vector x so that $$Ax = λx.$$ A singular value and pair of singular vectors of a square or rectangular matrix A are a nonnegative scalar σ and two nonzero vectors u and v so that

$$Av = σu,$$ $$A^Hu = σv.$$

Eigenvectors and singular vectors are them same if $A$ is a real symmetric matrix (so $A^H = A$).

Solution 5:

Singular values of the SVD decomposition of the matrix A is the square root of the eigenvalues of the matrix ($A$ multiplied by $A^T$) or ($A^T$ multiplied by $A$), the two are identical with positive eigenvalues.