New posts in soft-question

Can path connectedness be defined without using the unit interval?

What are some math concepts which were originally inspired by physics?

Should I understand a theorem's proof before using the theorem?

How to develop patience in mathematics?

Becoming Better at Math

What is the role of conjectures in modern mathematics?

How to read letters such as $\mathbb A$, $\mathbb B$, etc., or $\mathfrak A$, $\mathfrak B$, etc.?

Why is a straight line the shortest distance between two points?

Is $\mathbb{N}$ impossible to pin down?

First job in industry for a pure, pure mathematics folk

Attitude towards exercises in mathematics

Motivation and use for category theory?

Geometry or topology behind the "impossible staircase"

What is the motivation for quaternions?

Under the Curry-Howard correspondence or loosely "proofs-as-programs", do we also have "programs-as-proofs" and what would some arb. program prove?

A Question about Doctoral Theses in Mathematics [closed]

Does a Person Need a Mathematics Degree in order to Publish in a Mathematics jounal?

How do I explain the Königsberg Bridge problem to a child?

What is the name of the vertical bar in $(x^2+1)\vert_{x = 4}$ or $\left.\left(\frac{x^3}{3}+x+c\right) \right\vert_0^4$?

Different standards for writing down logical quantifiers in a formal way