New posts in soft-question

Lost anecdote of a mathematician who gave a presentation without saying a word [closed]

Is university math all about proofs? [closed]

What is the difference between "expectation", "variance" for statistics versus probability textbooks?

Math without infinity

Intuitive approach to topology

Is basis change ever useful in practical linear algebra?

Are there contradictions in math?

Best way to express 2014 [closed]

How to cite preprints from arXiv?

List of old books that modern masters recommend

I take it so long everytime I learn mathematics myself. What should I do? [closed]

Mathematics textbooks with history and/or motivation?

Who are some blind or otherwise disabled mathematicians who have made important contributions to mathematics?

Why is Banach–Tarski's paradox so interesting?

Difficulty level of Courant's book

"Stick it to the man!" Mathematical discoveries that resulted in persecution.

What does it really mean for something to be "trivial"?

Mathematics - The big picture

Must we use induction to prove a statement for all integers

Currently, what is the largest publicly known prime number such that all prime numbers less than it are known?