Mathematics - The big picture

Here is one map of mathematics that's been getting some attention lately:

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At one point, I got frustrated with always lacking the math to understand the things I read about and made a cheeky poster expressing my frustration. With that format, I tried my best to cluster more related topics together.

(I could add that thinking about the possible hierarchy made me ask this question. Later I started an online notebook, working out that structure myself, and a couple of math concepts -not subjects- can be viewed on this graph.)

My question on how to put the topics in disk form became a populat question on Mathematics.SE.

For an incomprihensble big picture, essentially unordered, there is a list of "all" math subjects here.

enter image description here

Mathematics - Form and Function by Saunders Mac Lane is a great book which tries to give some kind of "big picture".

As a bonus, some of the chapters also contain "map-like" sketches of various areas of mathematics (IIRC), but that's not why I'm recommending the book.

enter image description here

Stumbled across this just now. Not sure of the source to give the appropriate credit. If someone knows where it is from please add a comment.