New posts in shell

Iterate over lines instead of words in a for loop of shell script

^word^replacement^ on all matches in Bash?

Redirecting output twice

Does zsh support hash table as a built-in data type?

bash script - spawn, send, interact - commands not found error

How do I get my Golang web server to run in the background?

Unix separate multiple commands which has '&' (execute in background) in the end

Remove a file with <Down> in the name?

How do I change a shell scripts character encoding?

Documenting Unix commands on the command line

How to check with PHP if the script is being run from the console or browser request?

Non-ISO extended-ASCII text

Why do people source bash_profile from bashrc instead of the other way round?

How can I trim white space from a variable in awk?

Shell Scripting: Using a variable to define a path

Smart tab completion (for directories)?

UNIX command to dereference a symbolic link?

Shell appending unknown integer to hostname in prompt (zsh) on mac

How do I `cd` and then* `ls` automatically in linux?

Best way to do a find/replace in several files?