New posts in sh

Simple Git Bash .sh Script on windows to change directory does not work. Basic change directory in .sh script [closed]

Running two commands sequentially in a cron job?

getting error /usr/bin/env: sh: No such file or directory when running command play

Bash script: Create a screen session and execute a command in it

How to remove the need of "./" in every shell script in MacOS?

Shell script can be run only with sh command

How to write a shell script for printing the PID and The owner and the Name of the Process using the Special Variable $$ as parameter for the skript

merging tab delimited txt files based on column (which is header ) in bash?

Bash shell for loop process with two paired variable names

What's the point of eval/bash -c as opposed to just evaluating a variable?

Is there an elegant way to store and evaluate return values in bash scripts?

Pipe output to environment variable export command

How can I tell if a file is older than 30 minutes from /bin/sh?

Bash: evaluate a mathematical term?

Equivalent of .bat in mac os

^word^replacement^ on all matches in Bash?

Remove linux file named with set of shell responsive characters

easiest way to delete backslash from file name

Why doesn't auto complete work in my shell?

Where is the alias for "ll" defined?