easiest way to delete backslash from file name

  • With the Perl-based file-rename:

    $ rename --version
    /usr/bin/rename using File::Rename version 1.10

    then using a sed-style regular expression s/pattern/replacement/:

    $ rename -vn 's/\\//' \\*.txt
    rename(\jsandkjasn5.txt, jsandkjasn5.txt)
    rename(\jskadn.txt, jskadn.txt)
  • With util-linux rename (which takes simple pattern replacement arguments):

    $ rename.ul --version
    rename.ul from util-linux 2.34


    $ rename.ul -vn '\' '' \\*.txt
    `\jsandkjasn5.txt' -> `jsandkjasn5.txt'
    `\jskadn.txt' -> `jskadn.txt'

    (you can use \\ in place of '\' if you prefer). Remove the -n (no-op) switch once you are convinced they are doing the right thing.

  • For completeness, using mmv:

    $ mmv -n '\\*' '#1'
    \jsandkjasn5.txt -> jsandkjasn5.txt
    \jskadn.txt -> jskadn.txt
  • Or a simple shell loop:

    $ for f in \\*.txt; do echo mv "$f" "${f#?}"; done
    mv \jsandkjasn5.txt jsandkjasn5.txt
    mv \jskadn.txt jskadn.txt

    (remove the echo in this case).