How can I trim white space from a variable in awk?
Suppose $2 is my variable. I have tried going from
awk -F\, '{print $2 ":"}'
awk -F\, '{print gsub(/[ \t]+$/, "", $2) ":"}'
But it goes from printing something to printing nothing at all.
Solution 1:
You're printing the result of the gsub
, but gsub
does an in-place modify of $2
instead of returning a modified copy. Call gsub
, then print:
awk -F\, '{gsub(/[ \t]+$/, "", $2); print $2 ":"}'
Solution 2:
These functions come in handy to improve readability. They also return the trimmed result:
function ltrim(s) { sub(/^[ \t\r\n]+/, "", s); return s }
function rtrim(s) { sub(/[ \t\r\n]+$/, "", s); return s }
function trim(s) { return rtrim(ltrim(s)); }
# whatever
# whatever
# whatever
Solution 3:
(I don't have enough points to comment on the previous answer directly.)
To trim whitespace at the end of $2
awk -F\, '{gsub(/[ \t]+$/, "", $2); print $2 ":"}'
To trim whitespace at the beginning of $2
awk -F\, '{gsub(/^[ \t]+/, "", $2); print $2 ":"}'
And for both end and beginning:
awk -F\, '{gsub(/^[ \t]+/, "", $2); gsub(/[ \t]+$/, "", $2); print $2 ":"}'
Solution 4:
A one liner for gawk:
gawk -F\, '{$2 = gensub(/^[ \t]*|[ \t]*$/,"","g",$2)}'
Solution 5:
ltrim and rtrim in Unix
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="|"} {gsub(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/, "", $2)}1' filename.txt