New posts in shell-scripting

Running root script upon ssh'ing as a particular user, but not upon standard login

How can I make this script better?

Cannot get Exchange PowerShell script to run under Scheduled Tasks

Automated graceful reload of gunicorn in production

What does a minus sign inside of dollar brackets of a shell script mean?

Can I change the ownership of all the files of a specific user?

Silent and scripted install of CPAN and Perl modules?

Can a shell script wait for a file to change and take action?

control a bash script with variables from an external file

Connect to MySQL through command line without using root password?

whats the diffrence between " > /dev/null 2>&1" vs " 2>&1 >/dev/null"

How to pass command output as several arguments to another command

Ansible playbook rebooting the server , wait till reboot complete

Does mysqldump return a status?

How to use find command to delete files matching a pattern?

Get list of transferred files from rsync?

How to grant sudo rights only to specific script files?

Is it possible to set a timeout on openssl's s_client command?

Ctrl-C in bash scripts