New posts in shell-scripting

Expecting a password in the middle of script in RHEL [closed]

Kubernetes limit number of simultaneous pod restarts over whole cluster

Bash: improper function/usage of command basename

Cannot start a script

Why is permission denied during pssh?

expect script + expect miss the send string + delay issue

"watch" command to notify on newly created files on linux

How to delete the grepped iptables

Loop through servers and run command

linux/solaris kill many proccess with one command

Bash function hangs while command run perfectly without function

using temporary files vs pipes advantages and disadvantages

How to create a script to check logfile

want user will logout from shell on exit of bash script

From a shell script, how can I check whether a table in MySQL database exists or not?

How to run a script automatically on system startup in centos

Run a script from anywhere

How can I use openssl to get results from HTTP GET requests?

Why does `ps -x | grep foo` include the grep command?

how to programatically set nginx configuration directives to nginx.conf?