New posts in riemannian-geometry

Manifolds with geodesics which minimize length globally

Question about the proof of the index theorem appearing in Milnor's Morse Theory

Difference between parallel transport and derivative of the exponential map

Are there spaces that 'look the same' at every point, but are not homogeneous?

Right-invariance of a volume form on a compact Lie group

Definition of the principal symbol of a differential operator on a real vector bundle.

Is every scalar differential operator on $(M,g)$ that commutes with isometries a polynomial of the Laplacian?

Is every transitive action conformal?

Is there a minimal graph in $\mathbb{R}^3$ which is not area-minimizing?

Can every Riemannian manifold be embedded in a sphere?

Expression of the Hyperbolic Distance in the Upper Half Plane

The Laplacian of the squared length of a (0,2)-tensor

Compute distance induced by riemannian metric

Is there a codifferential for a covariant exterior derivative?

Totally geodesic submanifolds and conformal class of metrics

Does the quotient manifold inherit the Riemannian structure?

Why are we interested in closed geodesics?

Chern connection and Levi Civita connection on Kahler manifold

Yarn-like functions

Lie group with constant metric tensor but nonzero curvature?