New posts in relative-clauses

Singular or plural verb after "what"

Can anyone explain the use of "in what" in the following sentence?

Is "It is you who are mistaken!" correct? [duplicate]

'Which', 'whose' or something else?

"Whoever" Vs. "Whomever"

Is this correct? "One of the things that makes him great is..."

Position of a relative clause before/after a verb

What is the grammatical construction of the clause "Emotions that Maria had thought were buried deep enough ..."

Is "the hole where the tooth had been" acceptable [closed]

"One of the children who was" vs. "one of the children who were" [duplicate]

The use of nominative "whom" (as in “persons whom it is foreseeable are likely to...”)

"...programs that each perform..." vs "...programs that each performs...": which is correct?

What rules make “Remember me, who am your friend” grammatical?

When to use “that” and when to use “which”, especially in relative clauses