New posts in recreational-mathematics

Dividing numbers with dots?!

The number of bottles of beer one can buy with $10, after exchanging bottles and caps [closed]

Sum(Partition(Binary String)) = $2^k$

Why was it valid to invent the imaginary unit, $i$?

about a ninth-grade geometry problem

Cutting numbers into parts

What would you see inside a spherical mirror?

What am I getting for Christmas? Secret Santa and Graph theory

Determining if two Sudoku boards are in the same equivalence class

Functional equation $4f(x^2+y^2)=(f(x)+f(y))^2$

Counterfeit Coin Problem Variant - Two Counterfeits

Prisoners Problem

Number of lines to connect $n \times n$ dots

Question on Concatenation of Prime Numbers

Can you draw a curve that captures light?

A game played on graphs by "flipping" the state of a vertex and its neighbors

A problem about symmetric relations on finite sets.

Parallelogram law functional equation: $ f ( x + y ) + f ( x - y ) = 2 \big( f ( x ) + f ( y ) \big) $

Optimal Strategy for Bar Dice

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