Dividing numbers with dots?!

Solution 1:

I can't view the video but is this the dots and boxes method?

It gets unwieldy with large digits in the divisor.

You need to pair off groups of $6$ dots with groups of $6$ dots in the column to the right. You can "unexplode" remainders going to the right (which kinda looks like exploding to me, but oh well).

Here's how it plays out (I'm forgetting about the zero). The columns show the number of dots in that column:

1000      100       10        1
  2         3        7        6
           23        7        6       unexploded two 1000s to twenty 100s
           17        1        6       paired off a 6-6; quotient is "1?"
           16       11        6       unexploded a 100
           10        5        6       paired off another 6-6; quotient is "2?"
            9       15        6       unexploded another 100
            3        9        6       paired off another 6-6; quotient is "3?"
                    39        6       unexploded the rest because we're less than 6 in 100s
                    33        0       paired off a 6-6; quotient now is "31"
                    30       30       unexploded three more (for brevity)
                     0        0       paired off five more 6-6; quotient is "36"
                                      And ... we're done!

I guess the extra zeroes at the end just get tacked on because there are no dots anywhere to pair off anymore.

Solution 2:

Here's a link where they "carry" when there are not enough dots in a column for a given digit. (link here) (screen capture of article here)

So when attempting to take the first 6, there are only 2 dots in the first row, which is insufficient. Convert them to 20 dots in the second row, and try again.

As was mentioned previously, this is really the same as standard division. 6 doesn't go into 2, so we look at 23. It's kind of convoluted and more complex for the problem you gave. With small digits in the divisor, it's a nice method. I see the same issue with the crossing lines method.