New posts in recreational-mathematics

Can a piece of A4 paper be folded so that it's thick enough to reach the moon?

How to entertain a crowd with mathematics? [closed]

Any smart ideas on finding the area of this shaded region?

Colliding Bullets

What is the size of each side of the square?

Big List of Fun Math Books

Penrose's remark on impossible figures

Arc length contest! Minimize the arc length of $f(x)$ when given three conditions.

Optimal strategy for cutting a sausage?

Does multiplying all a number's roots together give a product of infinity?

Intersection of chord with circle knowing the length and a point

How likely is it not to be anyone's best friend?

Are there infinitely many "super-palindromes"?

How come $32.5 = 31.5$? (The "Missing Square" puzzle.)

What is the math behind the game Spot It?

Fake induction proofs

What is an example of a sequence which "thins out" and is finite?

Logic problem: Identifying poisoned wines out of a sample, minimizing test subjects with constraints

Predicting Real Numbers

Can someone explain these strange properties of $10, 11, 12$ and $13$?