New posts in recreational-mathematics

Sum of digits of $11\dots 11^2$ where $11\dots 11$ is a 1992 digit number with all digits $1$ [duplicate]

How many rectangles or triangles.

Sum of all consecutive natural root differences on a given power

How do I calculate how many ways 14 non-attacking bishops can be placed on a chessboard?

Prove that in a parabola the tangent at one end of a focal chord is parallel to the normal at the other end.

Is the number of alternating primes infinite?

Smooth Pac-Man Curve?

The rotation of dice on a grid

Edgematching tiles

What is the true relationship between impossible figures and cohomology?

Secret Santa Perfect Loop problem

Smallest number of $45^\circ-60^\circ-75^\circ$ triangles that tile a rectangle

Properties of the Mandelbrot set, accessible without knowledge of topology?

Linear Combinations of Fibonacci Numbers (integer coefficients)

Rolling icosahedron Hamiltonian path

Hopping to infinity along a string of digits

How many different game situations has connect four?

Tiling an $n\times n$ Grid

What's the difference between Complex infinity and undefined?

how triangle inequality works here?