New posts in random-variables

Maximum of a sum of random variables

Standardizing A Random Variable That is Normally Distributed

How to get $P(X > x)$ where $K$ is a geometric random variable with parameter $p$?

Stochastic ordering when multiplying pdfs

Conditional distiribution of $X\mid X+Y=c$ with $X,Y$ iid $\sim \exp(1)$ distributions [closed]

Sum of two independent normal distributed random variables

Is there a sense in which the Chi-squared distribution is an inner product?

Represent the difference of two random variables as indicator functions

Variational formulations in group theory?

Continued Fraction and Random Variable

Why is $\mathbb{E}[X] = 1 + \sum^\infty_{k=1}\mathbb{P}(X > k)$ true?

Maximize the variance of a function of random variable

Criterion for independency of random variables

Counter-examples related to Slutsky's Theorem.

Random Variable absolute value distribution (PDF and CDF)

Expected value for a combination of density functions

If X,Y and Z are independent, are X and YZ independent?

Convergence of characteristic functions to $1$ on a neighborhood of $0$ and weak convergence

Are we guaranteed that the harmonic series minus infinite random terms always converge?

Can we really compose random variables and probability density functions?