New posts in random-variables

How to explain why the probability of a continuous random variable at a specific value is 0?

Is $\pi^k$ any closer to its nearest integer than expected?

Are elements of a sample i.i.d. realizations of the same random variable or realizations of different i.i.d. random variables?

Condition such that $ \sum_{n \geq 1} a_n^2 X_n^2 = \infty$ for iid Gaussian $X_n$

Expected maximum of sub-Gaussian

What does orthogonal random variables mean?

Proof of $E(X)=a$ when $a$ is a point of symmetry

Hard problem to show almost sure boundedness

Determining the CDF of an absolutely continuous random vector, given its density.

Weak convergence of random variables

Examples of pairewise independent but not independent continuous random variables

Chebyshev's inequality to find minimum

Proof of Hoeffding's Covariance Identity

Defining joint distribution of two uniform variables where one is bounded by the other

Creating random variables whose pairwise differences are uniformly distributed

Almost sure convergence and lim sup

Sum of $\{n\sqrt{2}\}$

Bernstein inequality

Difference between two independent binomial random variables with equal success probability

Density of a linear transformation of an inverse gaussian variable