New posts in random-variables

Integral boundaries of random variable when $|x|+|y| \leq 1$

Is entropy of a binomial distribution an increasing function of $n$?

Generate random points on perimeter of ellipse

Showing $\varphi(t)\neq 0$ when $\varphi$ is a characteristic function of an infinitely divisible distribution

What is the difference between a random vector and a stochastic process?

What's the difference between a random variable and a measurable function?

Independence and conditional expectation

Is $X$ and $X-0$ the same random variable?

If X and Y are equal almost surely, then they have the same distribution, but the reverse direction is not correct

Markov inequality with bounded random variable

Why use infimum in definition of Quantile function?

What exactly is a random variable?

Variance of the random sum of a Poisson?

independent, identically distributed (IID) random variables [closed]

Find the probability that a geometric random variable $X$ is an even number

Can sum of two random variables be uniformly distributed

Property of zero mean and unit variance random variable

$\sigma$ algebra of collection of random variables

Transformation of Random Variable $Y = X^2$

Pdf of sum of independent rvs is the convolution of pdfs proof