New posts in pronunciation

Why is "sauté" spelled with an accent and "repartee" not?

In the movie "Meet the Fockers" does the word "Focker" really sound different?

Do British speakers have problems understanding Jamaican speakers? [closed]

Word Stress in the sentence "I put it on the table"

Why is the word 'heroine' not pronounced like 'hero-ine?'

Are vowels most often pronounced long or short?

Should You Honor the Local Pronunciation [closed]

Older pronunciations of the "-ity" suffix [duplicate]

Different pronunciation of "o" in done, lone and gone

How to position the tip of the tongue when pronouncing /s/ & /z/?

Pronunciation of T before W [duplicate]

How do we pronounce the camera company name "Canon"?

Why do some people pronounce 'a' as 'u'?

Pronunciation of "undoable"

Name, Conditions, and Pluralization of "Conscience' sake"

West Country Pronunciation 17th to 18th century

Allophones of /ə/

Why does the word "garage" have so many different pronunciations?

Why is the "sub" from "substance" pronounced in a different way than the one from "substantial"? [closed]

Why do words that begin with the letters "DE" have different ways of pronouncing? [duplicate]