New posts in pronunciation

Either Pronuciation is OK? or not OK? [duplicate]

'Falcon' or 'Fall-con'

Which word has a silent B at the start? [duplicate]

meaning of - rite - at the companies names

Nasalization in IPA

In solfège, can you pronounce "sol" like "so"?

How to pronounce 'almond' in American English

What loan-words keep their native pronunciation?

how to link the phrase "to attend" when pronounced?

Diacritics or meaning difference for deja vu

The pronunciation of "protester"

Pronunciation of "#winning"

Can an intrusive R appear within one word?

How do you pronounce "what did you" in "So what did you dream about?" and other similar questions?

How do you pronounce 'Pall Mall'? [duplicate]

How do you pronounce "GUI"? [duplicate]

Reading zero as O (fifteenth letter in English) [duplicate]

How do you pronounce this phrase, "as for me"? [closed]

Do Americans pronounce the letter "t" in the end of words like a "d"?

When pronunciation does not follow etymology [closed]