New posts in pronunciation

Pronunciations of 'retard' and 'retardation'

Why is pianist usually stressed on the /pi/?

/æo/ sound in American Accent Training

How to pronounce "seventeen" and "seventy"?

Origin of "Dj" in words

Where in Ireland, if anywhere, at the time of James Joyce, would "hoe" and "whore" sound similar enough to pun?

Interested in 'naive' pronunciation

Was the Queen's English as we know it artificially created? [closed]

Stress shift amongst speakers from India

What is the correct spelling of the Arabic name سعد in English?

Pronunciation of "Nevada" [closed]

When a consonant and a vowel meet together, from where the sound start?

Can "pussy" be pronounced with /ʌ/ (uh)?

How to pronounce the family name "Penhallow"

My baby girl's name is Hoor but there is a problem

Is "repository" pronounced /rɪˈpɒzɪt(ə)ri/ or \ri-ˈpä-zə-ˌtȯr-ē\ or /rəˈpäzəˌtôrē/?

How to pronounce -MENT as in moment and environment? [closed]

How to write Spanish Vowel sounds into English?

Where is the stress in the word "commenting"?

When to reduce and when not to reduce a vowel ([ɪ] & [i])