New posts in pronunciation

Does broidered rhyme with whirred?

A British pronunciation issue

Why did "it" lose its initial 'h' but other pronouns such as "him" and "her" didn't?

Pronunciation of “Superman”?

Pronunciation of "'ll"

"English" pronounced as /ˈɪŋlɪʃ/ ING-LISH [closed]

What is the English pronunciation of "nougat"?

Are there words that specify that a number was pronounced 'six double zero ' vs 'six zero zero'? [duplicate]

Term for intentional inaccuracies that better convey meaning?

Why is "victuals" pronounced "vittles"?

What is the correct pronunciation and etymology of "corps"?

Why is the "s" in "island" not pronounced? [closed]

Is there a word spelled with a silent B at the start?

Reading of the article “an” preceding quotations

English Pronunciation Easter Eggs [closed]

Pronunciation of "often" [duplicate]

Does the suffix -ify have any inherent characteristics of making letters pronounced which would otherwise be silent?

Is the split in pronunciation of "detail" regional, semantic, or irrelevant?

Why do people pronounce "f***ing" like "f***en"? [duplicate]

Pronunciation: ah, oh, etc