New posts in pronunciation

Why English does not have diacritics to distinguish between words with different meanings and pronunciations

"Key thob" and "key fob"

Can we pronounce the 'th' sound as a d?

Pronunciation of "Wiki"

How does one pronounce "nihilism"?

Difference in pronunciation between 'warship' and 'worship'?

Is *th* ever used not as a thorn outside of portmanteaus?

Thrown by 'broncho.' Or is it 'bronco'? Or 'bronc'?

Pronunciation of foreign words in American vs. British English?

American English Pronunciation of "o" sound long or short?

Pronunciation of "lorry", "worry" and "sorry"

Is it acceptable that 'fuel' is pronounced as 'fju:ə'

Pronunciation of "a" in "make a difference" [duplicate]

How is /ɑ:/ realized in British English: [ɑː] or more relaxed than [ɑː]?

Why is "hyperbole" pronounced so differently from its spelling?

etymology and pronunciation of bowline knot

Why is baba ghanouj pronounced with a final "sh" sound?

Is a syllable defined phonetically or etymologically?

The pronunciation of 'Hawaii'

"a opossum" or "an opossum"?