New posts in pronunciation

General rule for pronouncing initialisms? [duplicate]

Why is there discrepancy between the pronunciation of words ending with "-ook"? [duplicate]

Is there another way than [ɜr] to pronounce the grapheme "or" in words like "world" in AmEng?

Pronunciation of words starting with "a"

Do Americans with PIN-PEN merger confuse "imminent" and "eminent"? [closed]

Should one pronounce THE [in this case, THEE] when the following word begins with a vowel and THA when the following words begin with a consonant [duplicate]

does the /d/ in the [nd] combo tend to be unreleased?

About odd pronunciations of "Saturday"

How can I break English L2 pronunciation habits? [closed]

How to pronounce @[name] on Twitter?

Why is "Yosemite" spelled that way?

Pronunciation of en- prefix as ahn-

What is the history and distribution of the two pronunciations of 'lichen' /ˈlʌɪk(ə)n/ and /ˈlɪtʃ(ə)n/?

Is there any rule for determining which is the more preferable pronunciation for a word with different pronunciation

Why is 'indict' pronounced 'indite'?

In some parts of America, do people commonly use a flap after /n/, e.g. /ˈwɪn.t̬ɚ/?

Why does child sometimes become a two-syllable word?

How do you say 7/7?

Pronunciation of Korea and Career

Pronunciation of "especially"