New posts in pronunciation

How to pronounce the "v" sound?

What is the correct pronunciation of Costa Coffee?

How to pronounce the names of supersymmetric partner particles of fermions

What is the term for "‑ate" noun/verb pairs, and why can’t I find references to "hyphenate" used that way?

How to pronounce "sheet" properly? [duplicate]

Reference request: the pronunciation of Law French?

Pronunciation difference between "cycle" and "psycho"

What is the pronunciation for the word 'pluriharmonic'?

Long vs. short vowels in English words of Latin origin

Deciding pronunciation of new words that don't obey natural rules of a language

What is the origin of the different pronunciations of C and G before different vowels?

Vowel sound in *die* vs *dice*

How is "victualling" pronounced?

Why do people pronounce 'Inventory' differently depending on the intended context

How do I pronounce Gaudí, the architect?

Is the short-e pronounced as [e] or [ɛ] in standard English? [duplicate]

Different /ə/ pronunciation at the end of a word; for example, in "phenomena"

Why is "agnostic" pronounced "ag-gnostic" as opposed to "a-gnostic"?

/ɑ/ vs /ʌ/ pronunciation

Why is "women" pronounced as wimin? [duplicate]