New posts in pronunciation

Pronunciation of -ar in Madagascar

How is the spelling of a hyphenated word read?

Pronunciation of single-syllable words ending in -ost

Pronunciation of "go away" [closed]

"hundred" and "pretty" pronounced respectively as [ˈhən-dərd] and [ˈpər-tē]

Why do I have a different vowel in "scarf" than I have in "scarves", and how come nobody talks about this?

Pronunciation of "hypokeimenon"

Do people who metathesize "ask" do it to other words as well?

Different ways to pronounce "augh"

'Travel' - Place of articulation of /t/

How is "erm" pronounced in the UK, and why is it spelled that way?

The Newjersey Turnpike

Why “me” instead of “my” in pirate speech?

How do you pronounce the word 'vagary'?

How to pronounce "miracle"?

Pronouncing "found" as "fyound": why?

How many syllables are there for "laboratory"

Is Standard American Accent an old British Accent before 17th century?

Pronunciation of "I'm going to"

When to use -Ites / Ians / Ish / An / Ni / Ese / Elsh / Er [duplicate]