New posts in pronunciation

Is "fillet" a different word in "salmon fillet" than in "leather fillet"

Are there any words pronounced with an unstressed short monophthong at the end of word that are not /ə/?

Syllable — Phonetic Online List/Dictionary with word examples

How do I know if I have the Northern Cities Vowel Shift?

Why are only some "u" words pronounced with a glide in American English?

Pronunciation of "err"

Why does the suffix of "iodine" sound different in American and British English?

Why did Americans make "Z" sound just like "C" when it was already "zed" in British English? [duplicate]

Why is the sound 'air' in words like 'chair', 'pear' and 'where' considered a phoneme? Should it not be considered a blend of the sound? [closed]

Yod coalescence across words - only with "you(r(s))"?

What's the correct way for pronouncing "route" [duplicate]

N or AND in pronunciation

What was the original pronunciation of 'Zounds'?

Why is "sesame" not pronounced as "se" and "same"?

Why is the word "folks" pronounced [foʊks]?

When did "legend" stop being pronounced "LEE-gend"?

Strange pronunciation of "door"

How are plural forms like "status" pronounced?

The pronunciation shift of T to D in the United States

pronunciation : Vine vs Vineyard