New posts in pronunciation

How to infer the pronunciation of words starting with "co"?

Is it optional to voice the final letter and linking sound?

How to pronounce "undoes"?

What accent did 'kewl' (cool) originate from

What's the right way to pronounce "Louis"?

Pronouncing "warrior" to rhyme with "lawyer" ... is this a feature of any dialect of English?

Pronunciation of Third Reich and Heinrich Himmler

Pronunciation of rebut

American pronunciation of "with"

How to pronounce "often" [duplicate]

Pronunciation of Detritus

Pronunciation of "live" [closed]

Pronunciation of double G: soft "gg" versus hard "gg"

Pronouncing -ed when it comes after a voiced final consonant

A couple of quick questions related to "Messrs"

Different prononunciations of "consummate"

How does one read aloud Vinogradov's notation $\ll$ and $\ll_{\epsilon }$?

Softened pronunciation of consonants, such as "t" or "s" followed by "y"

When you make a glottal stop in English, does the front of your tongue touch the roof of your mouth?

How do we know how words were pronounced hundreds of years ago?