New posts in pronunciation

Should one use "an" or an "a" before an acronym beginning with the letter H? [duplicate]

How do you pronounce the letter "t" before "h"?

do native English speakers completely omit the /r/ sound in /ˈev·riˌwʌn/ (everyone)?

Why is the 'cy' in cycle and cynic pronounced differently

metal, meddle, mettle, medal pronunciation in American English

On the pronunciation of 's' in 'dislike' (/s/ vs /z/)

Pronunciation of "steak" [duplicate]

What is the common and/or member pronunciation of 'Marylebone' in 'Marylebone Cricket Club'?

Pronunciation of -wic in place names

What are words that are spelt the same but pronounced differently? [duplicate]

First syllable of "gravity"

Pronunciation of 'R' in British English [closed]

Pronunciation of "candidate"

Any website to look up words with similar pronunciation or spelling?

What is the correct pronunciation of i18n? [closed]

What is the pronunciation of "the" before the vowel "e"? [duplicate]

Why does /ɪ/ often sound like /ə/?

Difference in pronuncation: ape vs chapel

How would a native British speaker say "Betteredge"?

Why is there a word for 'H'? [duplicate]