New posts in pronunciation

Shakespeare's Scansion: the Sequel

Pronunciation: /sɪksθ/ /t/

Pronunciation of "Ozymandias"

What are the historical justifications for first-syllable stress in the word “orthoepy”?

pronouncing "l" as a vowel

Is it common to vocalize syllabic L, but use dark L as a coda consonant after unreduced vowels?

How to read the slash in a “ 1/1 plain weave” or “1/4 satin”?

Devoicing 'Voiced consonants' to their counterparts

In which way is /dɑːtə/ more formal than /deɪtə/?

English pronunciation by Spanish speakers

Grocery Store Aisle

Do these audio files sound natural to you? [closed]

Pronunciation of bath and maths in British English

Is " Princesses' " correct and how would it be pronounced? [duplicate]

Are "dual" and "duel" necessarily homophones?

Can I spell a voiced "th" without using IPA?

Want to vs One two

What is the local pronunciation of 'Chicago'?

Where is "pejorative" pronounced " ˈpejəˌrātiv"?

Pronunciation of endings "-tin" and "-tine"