Do these audio files sound natural to you? [closed]

I would like to know if the audio in these files sounds similar to a native speaker in terms of pronunciation. If not, please tell me why. Also, would you use audio like this to train your English pronunciation?

Male audio Female audio

No, these audios sound far too accented for native English speakers. In addition, the voice doesn't sound like a natural human. The pronunciation is not English; more American.

Using computer-generated audio files to train pronunciation is extremely risky. While voice-synthesis technology and word-interpretation have improved dramatically recently, there remains the possibility that a word will be pronounced bizarrely¹. And of course, because the synthesiser is blindly following its own rules, that word will always be pronounced beautifully consistently, just consistently wrong. And you'll never know.

If you want to learn by listening — which is, after all, a vital part of childhood language development — it's far better to listen to real speakers, perhaps with the added benefit of subtitles, either in English [eg for the hard-of-hearing] or in your own language [as a translation].

¹ eg: one voice synthesiser I've encountered consistently pronounced without as /woʊ'zi:tə/ even though the fragment withou was rendered /wɪ'ðaʊ/.