New posts in probability

Probability to choose specific item in a "weighted sampling without replacement" experiment

Sum of iid exponential random variables without using calculus

Why is stopping time defined as a random variable?

What is the difference between multinomial and categorical distribution?

Calculate probability density function from moment generating function

Are "most" continuous functions also differentiable?

What makes random variables exchangeable and what is implied by exchangeability?

Why are all subset sizes equiprobable if elements are independently included with probability uniform over $[0,1]$?

The frog puzzle

4 cards are drawn from a pack without replacement. What is the probability of getting all 4 from different suits?

Proving Renyi's result on the order statistics of the exponential distribution

Funny(?) Probability Problem [duplicate]

Another Monty Hall Question

The exact probability of observing $x$ unique elements after sampling with replacement from a set with $N$ elements

Negative binomial distribution - sum of two random variables

$P(X<Y)$ where X and Y are exponential with means $2$ and $1$

Difference between Probability and Probability Density

Probability Problem with $n$ keys

$m$ balls $n$ boxes probability problem

7 friends are going to the cinema. They will be sitting in a row with 7 seats. What is the probability that John and Mary don't sit together?