New posts in probability

How to calculate the expectation of $XY$?

If I roll two fair dice, the probability that I would get at least one 6 would be....

Race of the wealthy gamblers: How do I get this closed form?

Contradiction proof that a sequence cannot converge in probability

Tail probability bound on the expected value of measurable function of a random variable

Product measure and its marginals

How small the probability $\Bbb{P}(X_1+X_2 +\dots +X_n < n + 1)$ can be if $\Bbb{E}(X_i) = 1$?

recurrence relation arising from Magic the Gathering scenario [duplicate]

What is the intuition behind the Poisson distribution's function?

How many times do I roll an unfair die to determine its bias?

Series of independent Bernoulli variables

order affecting the probability

Some equation involving $cov(X,Y)$ and $E(X|Y)$

Does convergence in probability implies convergence of the mean?

How do you compute numerically the Earth mover's distance (EMD)?

What is the difference between mutually independent and pairwise independent events in probability theory?

Average distance from center of circle

Expected Value of Absolute Value of Difference between Two Independent Uniform Random Variables

How to pick an item by its probability?

Better than random