New posts in probability

Average number of days to see all possible cards

Choosing n numbers with fixed sum

Formula of the probability of two dependent events

Mode of Negative distribution

Probability that a sequence repeats itself

Probability question (Birthday problem)

The problem of the most visited point.

Is the set $\{ (X_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}} \text{ has a nondecreasing subsequence} \}$ measurable?

Understanding what $\sqrt{p}$ means for an event of probability $p$

Conditional distribution function for two standard normal variables

I've clicked XKCD's "random" button k times and I've already seen all of them. What's the expected number of XKCD's I've seen?

What are some open research problems in Stochastic Processes?

Minimal sufficient statistic of $\operatorname{Uniform}(-\theta,\theta)$

Probability of $ax^2 + bx + c = 0$ having real solutions

What is the intuition of why convergence in distribution does not imply convergence in probability

What's the expectation of square root of Chi-square variable?

Expected number of (0,1) distributed continuous random variables required to sum upto 1

Expected value of the smallest eigenvalue

p chance of winning tennis point -> what f(p) chance of winning game?

Probability of random sphere lying inside the unit ball