New posts in probability

Probability of winning a game in tennis?

Is there a significance to the asymptotic probability of at least one occurrence of an event in n attempts?

Expected value of the product of functions of two independent random variables

Estimating the value of $e$ using a random function

Correct Application of Conditional Probabilities

Is the unbiased test always uniformly most powerful? [closed]

Jensen's Inequality (with probability one)

Probability that a quadratic equation with random coefficients has real roots [duplicate]

Expected value of an expected value

How can a probability density function (pdf) be greater than $1$?

Pulling cards from a deck without replacement to reach a goal: average draws needed?

What fraction of the fund should one bet?

How do we know there is a probability space that can support any number of arbitrary random variables defined upon it? [duplicate]

When the roulette has hit 5 reds why shouldn't I bet to black?

Intuition for probability of drawing first ball = probability of drawing second ball

Probability that Ken and John set next to each other

We roll a six-sided die ten times. What is the probability that the total of all ten rolls is divisible by 6?

Example of 2 random variables s.t. $(X+Y)$ ~ $U(0,2)$

Is it possible to express and analyse Bertrand's paradox with terms and tools from set/space theory?

Lipschitz inequality with Rademacher variable