Solution 1:

In the two-frog scenario, the event "One croak was heard" is not the same as the event "at least one frog is male".

There are eight possibilities: the "left" frog can be female or male, the "right" frog can be female or male, and exactly one croak was emitted or not. Assuming males croak with probability $p$ while you are in their presence, and everything is independent, the following table enumerates the eight possibilities and their probabilities: $$ \begin{array}{c|l|c|c|c|c} \text{Outcome} & \text{Probability} &\text{One croak?}&\text{F present?}&\text{At least one M?}\\ \hline FF0 & \frac14 & & Y&\\ FF1 &0&Y&Y&\\ FM0 &\frac14(1-p) &&Y&Y\\ FM1&\frac14p&Y&Y&Y\\ MF0&\frac14(1-p)&&Y&Y\\ MF1&\frac14p&Y&Y&Y\\ MM0&\frac14(p^2+(1-p)^2)&&&Y\\ MM1&\frac14\cdot 2p(1-p)&Y&&Y\\ \end{array} $$ Using the above table, the probability that you survive given you heard a croak is $$ P(\text{F present}\mid\text{one croak})=\frac{P(FF1,FM1,MF1)}{P(FF1,FM1,MF1,MM1)}=\frac{0+\frac14p+\frac14p}{0+\frac14p+\frac14p+\frac142p(1-p)}=\frac1{2-p}. $$ This makes intuitive sense, because if males croak all the time ($p=1$), then for sure the other frog is female; if males croak but very rarely, then it's a coin toss whether the other frog is female. Note that the above probability is never smaller than $\frac12$, so the two-frog lick is always a better strategy than the one-frog lick.

Using the above table, the probability $P(\text{survive}\mid\text{at least one M})$ is properly calculated as $2/3$, but this result is neither here nor there, because you didn't observe that event.

As for your other question, we can modify the outcome space to specify whether the left frog croaked or the right one. Using a similar enumeration to the above, the prob that you survive given you heard a croak from only the left frog is: $$P(\text{F present}\mid\text{only left frog croaked}) ={P(M1F0)\over P(M1F0,M1M0)}={\frac12p\cdot\frac121\over\frac12p\cdot\frac121+\frac12p\cdot\frac12(1-p)}=\frac1{2-p}, $$ exactly the same probability as when you didn't know which frog croaked. The probability of survival given that only the right frog croaked is the same. Conclusion: knowledge of which frog croaked does not lower your probability of survival.

Solution 2:

There are (at least) two ways of looking at this question, which can lead to different answers and has led to discussions that mix the two different viewpoints:

  1. The view as in grand_chat's answer where the premise is "You are in a forest with one frog left, two frogs right" and the question "Given that you hear a croak on the right, what is the chance that you survive if you lick the frogs on the right". Here, the probability of croaking plays an essential role in the probability determination.

  2. The view that takes all information in the question as a given, where the premise is "You are in a forest with one frog left, two frogs right, and you have heard a croak on the right" and the question is "What is the chance that you survive if you lick the frogs on the right?". Here, the croaking is a given and does not play a role in the probability determination; it is equivalent to the given of 'there is a male on the right'.

In a physicists language, the ensembles that are considered are different: view 1 has the ensemble of all systems with a frog left and two frogs right with the question of the correlation between a measurement of a croak on the right with finding a female on the right; view 2 has the ensemble of all systems with a frog on the left and a two frogs on the right, at least one of which is male, with the question of the probability of a female on the right.

View 1 is more closely related to the real world, but it does require some assumptions/knowledge about the croak probability distributions, and is explained well in grand_chat's answer. View 2 is more abstract and probably more in line with the intent of the 'puzzle', where no knowledge of croaking probabilities is needed.

Now to answer your question in view 2, by knowing which frog croaked, you are filtering your ensemble, which is populated by 'MM', 'MF', and 'FM' pairs, to the new ensemble where there are only 'MM' and 'MF' pairs (assuming the left of the pair is the male). So, the knowledge of knowing the position of the male filters away the also favourable situation of 'FM', therefore your chance inside this ensemble (this premise) is reduced with respect to the original.

Solution 3:

Why is this a problem to you?

Suppose you had a lottery with 4 people. There are 3 blue pieces of paper and 1 red. Whoever draws the red will be killed. You figure your chances of surviving are 3 in 4. Person A (not you) is called forward and draws a paper. It's blue. So now you figure your chances of surviving have dropped to 2 in 3. How does knowing something lower your chances? Well, because it eliminates possibilities.

So why is this a problem with the frogs?

There are 8 possibilities for the gender of 3 frogs.

MM|M Back: BAD, Front BAD

MM|F Back: BAD, Front GOOD

MF|M Back: GOOD, Front BAD

MF|F Back: GOOD, Front GOOD

FM|M Back: GOOD, Front BAD

FM|F Back: GOOD, Front GOOD

FF|M Back: GOOD, Front BAD

FF|F Back: GOOD, Front GOOD

So if you lick the front your chances of surviving are 4/8 = 1/2. If you lick the back your chances are 3/4.

If you hear a croak you eliminate 2 possibilities and are left with:

MM|M Back: BAD, Front BAD

MM|F Back: BAD, Front GOOD

MF|M Back: GOOD, Front BAD

MF|F Back: GOOD, Front GOOD

FM|M Back: GOOD, Front BAD

FM|F Back: GOOD, Front GOOD



Licking the front gives your chances at 3/6 = 1/2. Licking the back gives your chances at 4/6 = 2/3.

If you turn and see the first frog croak you've eliminated 4 possibilities and are left with:

MM|M Back: BAD, Front BAD

MM|F Back: BAD, Front GOOD

MF|M Back: GOOD, Front BAD

MF|F Back: GOOD, Front GOOD





Now either you lick the back and your chances are 2/4 =1/2 or you lick the front and your chances are 2/4 = 1/2.

Solution 4:

The answer is 50% regardless of if you know which frog croaked. If you don't know which frog croaked, then we must consider that the state MM has a multiplicity of 2, ie it is twice as likely as either MF or FM, because there are two ways that this result can exist. It will be more clear if we assign the croaking frog its own notation. Lets call the croaking frog Mc, this gives the states: McM, MMc, FMc, and McF, which are all equally as likely, and of which 50% contain a female.

This problem is equivalent to having a friend flip 2 coins behind your back and telling you that at least coin has come up heads, clearly the probability of the second coin being heads as well is 50%, as if it is the only coin flipped. If your friend shows you one of the coins and it is heads, this changes nothing about the probability of the other coins state.