New posts in probability

In the card game Set, what's the probability of a Set existing in n cards?

Distance of a test point from the center of an ellipsoid

If $A\subseteq B$, can $A$ and $B$ be independent?

Help me find the fallacy in these specific arguments re: the Boy-Girl Paradox [duplicate]

For a probability distribution, what is the most fundamental object : the probability density function or the cumulative distribution function?

What is a Dynkin system? ($\lambda$-system)

Proving $|P(A\cap B)-P(A)P(B)|\leq \frac{1}4$

If X is $\overline{\sigma(Y)}$-measureable, then X is already $\sigma(Y)$-measureable a.s.? [closed]

Is it acceptable/usual to write multiple conditional probability pipes simultaneously? eg, $\tilde P(L \mid M_2)\equiv P(L \mid M_2\mid M_1)$

In how many ways can 20 identical balls be distributed into 4 distinct boxes subject?

Intuitive reason order statistics of the uniform distribution are stationary.

Transformation of random variable using CDF not making sense?

Why is $0.63212$ the probability of a $\frac1n$-probability event happening in $n$ trials?

How do you estimate the mean of a Poisson distribution from data?

Mathematics behind Gini Index for Decision Tree

What is the probability of a biased coin coming up heads given that a liar is claiming that the coin came up heads?

1/1000 chance of a reaction. If you do the action 1000 times, whats the new chance the reaction occurs?

Tree and total probability rule (two events)

What is the Variance of $(1-X)/X$ and the Expectation of $(1-X)/X^{2}$?

Bayes classifier: handling conditional expectation / probability