New posts in probability

Conditional probability exercise is my reasoning here correct?

Two players alternately flip a coin; what is the probability of winning by getting a head?

Independence of disjoint events

Six throws, only two distinct numbers: coincidence?

Four coins with reflip problem?

Why is there a preference to use the cumulative distribution function to characterise a random variable instead of the probability density function?

Conditional and Total Variance

Seating of $n$ people with tickets into $n+k$ chairs with 1st person taking a random seat

Probability of 20 consecutive success in 100 runs.

Choosing two random numbers in $(0,1)$ what is the probability that sum of them is more than $1$?

Show that $nY_n$ converges in distribution

Number of real solutions of a random equation

Game of draughts, expected value of first move advantage

Find the joint density function $f(x_1, x_2, x_3)$ of the random vector $(X_1, X_2, X_3)$.

Find $\mathbb{E}[X]$ given a discrete $2$ variable probability function

How to find the limits of integration for a convolution of pdfs?

Poincare inequality for Poisson random variables

Probability that no consecutive heads or tails occur in a sequence in which exactly 10 tails occurred and the last outcome is a tail

2D Random Walk Hitting Time

Expected size of subset forming convex polygon.