New posts in probability

Angular distribution of lines passing through two squares.

Salvaging a damaged cable

Probability of rolling a 1 before you roll two 2's, three 3's, etc

Maximum negative corrleation for $n$ identically distributed normal variables

Proving the identity between Beta and Gamma functions using semi-group property of the Gamma.

Conditional expectation $E[X|X>0]$ of standard normal $X \sim \mathcal{N}(0,1)$

Gambler's fallacy and the Law of large numbers

Cat dead or alive?

joint distribution, discrete and continuous random variables

Minimizing the probability of a draw in a democratic poll

Law of total variance with i.i.d. positive continuous r.v.s.

Expected Ratio of Coin Flips

Query on the standard deviation formula

What is $P(X > 0 \mid X + Y > 0)$ given that $X, Y$ are i.i.d standard normal?

Expectation that the Distance Between two Points in the Unit Disc is 1

Moment Generating Function of a Truncated Gaussian

Distribution of Difference of Chi-squared Variables

Rate of convergence in the central limit theorem (Lindeberg–Lévy)

Powers of random matrices

Probability of questions being on an exam