New posts in probability

Distribution of ages of 3 children in a family

$52$ cards reciprocal sum probability

Who has the upper hand in a generalized game of Risk?

Convergence in probability implies convergence in distribution

Prices Of Apples and Oranges Have Correlation $1$. What can you say about this process?

What does $||XY||_1$ mean?

Check if set of dice is fair

Incredible Blackjack Hand

Sum of $N$ uniform random variables where $N$ has geometric distribution

Chance versus Skill

What does $\mathbb{P}(d\omega)=dw$ actually mean?

Non-decreasing sequence of random variable convergence in probability implies it also converges almost surely.

Average Distance Between Random Points in a Rectangle

Real world applications of Binomial Coefficients

What does the $-\log[P(X)]$ term mean in the calculation of entropy?

Show that $M_{n}=\left(\cfrac{N}{N-1}\right)^n X_n(N-X_n)$ is a martingale

If there are 18 people and each person has a 10 percent chance of getting a prize, what is the probability that 6 or more people get a prize? [closed]

How is $ P(-\sqrt{y} \leq X \leq \sqrt{y}) = P(X \leq \sqrt{y}) - P(X < -\sqrt{y})$?

Expected number of rolls to get all sixes

how to find the expected number of boxes with no balls