New posts in probability

Is there a way to apply Bayes rules to this question?

Probability of a substring occurring in a string

Proof of Pearson's chi squared test

Combinatorial Analysis: Fermat's Combinatorial Identity

How to tell is a matrix is a covariance matrix?

Expected value of a lognormal distribution [duplicate]

joint densities and transformation of random variables

Classic birthday problem turned on its head: With $N$ people, how many are likely to share most common birthday?

Inverse Fourier transform of $\text{sinc}(t)^{1/k}$

expected number of cards drawn exactly once (with replacement) [closed]

Expected value of the largest element of a subset

For a non-negative absolutely continuous random variable $X$, with distribution $F$. Why is $\lim_{t\rightarrow \infty}t(1-F(t))=0$?

Is there an introduction to probability and statistics that balances frequentist and bayesian views?

Is there a constant $c$ that $\frac{c}{1+x}$ be a probability density function for $x>0$?

using the law of total probability and bayes theorem to solve problem about pupils at school

Poisson process and uniform random variable

Why do knowers of Bayes's Theorem still commit the Base Rate Fallacy?

probability that no two spiders end up at the same vertex?

Brownian motion and covariance

Two squares are chosen at random on a chessboard. What is the probability that they have a side in common?