probability that no two spiders end up at the same vertex?

The key to this problem is to exploit symmetry as much as possible to reduce casework.

Label the vertices on the top face in CCW order $A,B,C,D$ and the vertices on the bottom face in CCW order $E,F,G,H$ where $AE$, $BF$, $CG$, $DH$ are edges connecting the top and bottom faces.

The four spiders at vertices $A,C,F,H$ will end up at one of the vertices $B,D,E,G$ (since there are no edges between the vertices $A,C,F,H$). Similarly, the four spiders at vertices $B,D,E,G$ will end up at one of the vertices $A,C,F,H$. Hence, no two spiders end up at the same vertex iff no two of the spiders at $A,C,F,H$ end up at the same vertex and no two of the spiders at $B,D,E,G$ end up at the same vertex.

There are $3^4$ ways for the four spiders at vertices $A,C,F,H$ to move. We count the ways they can move to $4$ different vertices as follows:

Case I: The spider at $A$ moves to $B$.

The spider at $C$ can only move to $D$ or $G$ (since $CE$ isn't an edge). If the spider at $C$ moves to $D$, then there are two ways for the spiders at $F,H$ to move: $(A,C,F,H) \to (B,D,E,G)$ or $(A,C,F,H) \to (B,D,G,E)$. If the spider at $C$ moves to $G$, then there is only one way for the spiders at $F,H$ to move: $(A,C,F,H) \to (B,G,E,D)$ (because $BH$ and $DF$ aren't edges). This gives $3$ ways for the spiders at $A,C,F,H$ to move to distinct vertices if the spider at $A$ moves to $B$.

Case II: The spider at $A$ moves to $D$.

Similarly to Case I, there are $3$ total ways for the spiders at $A,C,F,H$ to move to distinct vertices if the spider at $A$ moves to $D$.

Case III: The spider at $A$ moves to $E$.

Similarly to Case I, there are $3$ total ways for the spiders at $A,C,F,H$ to move to distinct vertices if the spider at $A$ moves to $E$.

This gives us $9$ ways for the spiders at $A,C,F,H$ to end up at distinct locations. Hence, the probability of no two of these spiders ending up at the same vertex is $\dfrac{9}{81} = \dfrac{1}{9}$.

Similarly, the probability that of no two of the spiders at vertices $B,D,E,G$ end up at the same vertex is $\dfrac{1}{9}$. So, the probability that no two spiders end up at the same vertex is $\dfrac{1}{9} \cdot \dfrac{1}{9} = \dfrac{1}{81}$.