New posts in probability

Optimal Strategy for Deal or No Deal

Intuition behind independence and conditional probability

Probabilistic techniques, methods, and ideas in ("undergraduate") real analysis

Basic concept of utility: utility of expected value vs expected utility

How to optimally adjust the probabilities for the random graph-directed IFS algorithm?

Probability for pairing up

Probability that all bins contain strictly more than one ball?

Is it unlikely to get the same number of heads/tails?

What is the PDF of random variable Z=XY?

How many powerball tickets will guarantee a 3/5 match?

Conditional Expectations Given Sum of I.I.D.

How many turns, on average, does it take for a perfect player to win Concentration?

Properties of the Minimum of Two Poisson Random Variables

PDF of the difference between two independent beta random variables

Conditional probability that a rotated inner product is zero

Bank vaults and probability

How would you go about learning the combination of coins the man has?

For a given CDF compute $\Bbb P(X^2 \in A)$

Distribution of the Ratio of i.i.d Uniform Random Variables Conditional on the Sum

Finding distribution function of $Y/X$ and probability density function of $X+Y$