New posts in probability

Probability ( Letters and Envelopes ).

A man invited five friends.

What is the probability that at least one letter is in the correct envelope?

Is there a name for the stochastic integral using the right end of each interval?

Expectation of 3^x, where X~Binomial(10000,0.5)

Solving SDEs in a pathwise manner?

Difference between $1-P(A)$ and $P(A')$ in probability

Posterior mean if signal is an interval rather than a realization

Soccer penalty shots

Generate random values using an empirical cumulative distribution function [migrated]

Are decompositions of a random variable into a sum of two IID random variables unique?

What is the expected number of random small circles it takes to cover a large circle?

Integral of Brownian motion in a 2-d box

A probability game

Probability of determinants being coprime

Centre dot in probability notation?

How many arrangements of a (generalized) deck of (generalised) cards have pairs in them?

A normal distribution problem I am not getting

Probability distribution in Python

When does pairwise independence imply independence?