New posts in probability

Average distance of two points on circle vs sphere

There are two distributions for heights men and women, find the probability that a random person with height of 170 is woman

Is there a symmetric alternative to Kullback-Leibler divergence?

Modified Doob's $L^1$ inequality

Confidence Interval of Information Entropy?

Drawing without replacement: why is the order of draw irrelevant?

Result and proof on the conditional expectation of the product of two random variables

The math of waiting to be sitted

Cards game and probabilities

How to group people so everyone meets?

Car parking related probability

Conditional expectation of pullback of sigma algebra

Probability of drawing a run of a specific color from an urn with two colors of balls

Balls are placed into 3 urns. Expected time until some urn has 100 balls.

Example of an adapted but not progressively measurable process

Probability of getting into my favorite PhD

Finding a more direct way to reach $\mathbb{E} \left( \sum (X_i - \mu)^2 \right) - \mathbb{E} \left( \sum (X_i - \overline{X})^2 \right) = \sigma^2$

Generating a random probability vector

Regression towards the mean v/s the Gambler's fallacy

Theoretical Question Basketball