New posts in probability

Two-sided hitting time of Brownian motion

Solution Set Inequality Continuous Function, Probability Theory

Probability $k$ bins are non-empty

Expected time for winning in biased Gambler's Ruin

Advice in Bachelor Degree

Distribution of time spent above $0$ by a Brownian Bridge.

If $X_n\rightarrow^{p}\mu_{n}$ and $\mu_{n}\rightarrow\mu$, does $X_n\rightarrow^{p}\mu$ as well? [closed]

Picking balls from urns.

$E[|X-\mu|^n] \le 2 E[|X-\mu|^{n+1}]$ for Integer Random Variables

What is the probability on rolling $2n$ dice that the sum of the first $n$ equals the sum of the last $n$?

Consistency and asymptotically unbiasedness?

Log likelihood of a realization of a Poisson process?

Intuition behind conditional expectation when sigma algebra isn't generated by a partition

The Price is Right optimal play

Number of zeros of $f(x)= \frac{1}{2} E\left[ \tanh \left( \frac{x+Z}{2} \right) \right]-\tanh(x)+\frac{x}{2}$ where $Z$ is standard normal

What is the probability of getting yahtzee?

What is the probability that $\pi(x) + x$ is injective?

Joint moments of Brownian motion

What is meant by closed under complementation?

At least $5$ events with a probability of at least $0.9$