New posts in probability

Why did no student correctly find a pair of $2\times 2$ matrices with the same determinant and trace that are not similar?

I roll a die repeatedly until I get 6, and then count the number of 3s I got. What's my expected number of 3s?

$P(X>0,Y>0)$ for a bivariate normal distribution with correlation $\rho$

Describing Bayesian Probability

How exactly are the beta and gamma distributions related?

Expectation of the maximum of i.i.d. geometric random variables

The "pepperoni pizza problem"

Why do bell curves appear everywhere?

Given a die, what is the probability that the second roll of a die will be less than the first roll?

Should I put number combinations like 1111111 onto my lottery ticket?

Mathematician vs. Computer: A Game

Is Bayes' Theorem really that interesting?

If you draw two cards, what is the probability that the second card is a queen?

Choose a random number between $0$ and $1$ and record its value. Keep doing it until the sum of the numbers exceeds $1$. How many tries do we need?

Expectation of the maximum of gaussian random variables

If I flip a coin 1000 times in a row and it lands on heads all 1000 times, what is the probability that it's an unfair coin?

Could someone explain conditional independence?

What is the difference and relationship between the binomial and Bernoulli distributions?

Calculation of probability based on population distribution

$5$ dots on a $8$x$8$ board