New posts in probability

Is there a meaningful example of probability of $\frac1\pi$?

Is Scrabble's method of determining turn order fair?

Is this a modified Monty Hall problem (numbered doors)?

Pick the closest number game

Compute area of a sphere through a Dirac delta

Random point uniform on a sphere

What is the probability of the sum of four dice being 22?

Three coins are tossed. If one of them shows a tails, what is the probability that all three coins show tails? [duplicate]

Intuitively, why is the Gaussian the Fourier transform of itself?

$X \sim N(0;4) ,Y=2X^2+4X-5$. Find $P(Y<X)$

Help understanding a paper on kernel density estimates

Uncorrelated but not independent random variables

Average number of birthdays today

Calculate the probability that the running total is exactly n. (homework help)

Tossing a fair coin until two consecutive tosses are the same

Banach Matchbox Problem

Puzzle of gold coins in the bag

Expected length of the shortest polygonal path connecting random points

R: Calculate and interpret odds ratio in logistic regression

Show that $\prod (1- P(A_n))=0$ iff $\sum P(A_n) = \infty$